Thursday, March 3, 2016

Are You Standing in the GAP?

Most of us have heard the saying, but what does it mean to you? to me? to others? I sat here tonight wondering that very thought. Was I doing what God called His children to do? Am I being the hands and feet of Jesus or just idly sitting by as others around me answered His call?

I know many people who are active in the church and volunteer to help out whenever the church calls....don't get me wrong this is a wonderful thing. I'm just wondering if sometimes we hide in His house (because it's comfortable) rather than going out and being disciples; fisher's of men! God called us to be uncomfortable, to reach out and preach His word to the ends of the earth.

We all have gifts bestowed to us by our heavenly Father; all different, all equally important . We are to Stand in the Gap, be the bridge to Jesus for not only those that know Him but also to those who don't. God doesn't call the extraordinary, He calls the ordinary! Look at David, Ester, Mary, Ruth, and Noah. Ordinary, everyday people chosen to Stand in the Gap- filling the emptiness with the word and power of God's love and grace.

We are all His children, all given His love and amazing grace. Remember that Jesus died on the cross to pay the debt for our sins. He stood in the gap so we could be washed clean and someday have everlasting life in heaven.

It's as simple as a smile to a stranger, prayer for friends and strangers alike, offering to help carry someone's groceries, or paying it forward the next time you're in the drive thru at McD's! Are you ready to stand in the GAP??

Be Thankful. ..


Someone, somewhere is worse off than you. Even when things are looking bleak, thank God for all you have. 

Because somebody out there has no home, no bed, and no food in their belly, are being persecuted for their faith, wrongly imprisoned, or battling things we couldn't even imagine! 

Thank you God for your sacrifice; Jesus blood shed for us! Thank you for my family, friends, my church, and you're unwavering grace!

Monday, July 20, 2015

5 Truths to Set Us Free

1) GOD is enough!

2) The blood of CHRIST is sufficient to cover all our sins.

3) The cross of CHRIST is sufficient to conquer our sinful flesh.

4) Our past does not control our future!

5) GOD'S word is sufficient to lead us, teach us,       and heal us!

credited to - D.U.M.C.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Listening for God's voice...and are we ready for it when we hear it?

I've been hearing a lot about this subject lately -radio, church, bible study, readings.. well you get the idea. It really started me thinking, "Do I really LISTEN for Him to speak to me? Guide me?" We pray for his wisdom, comfort, peace, discernment, etc... all the time, but I'm wondering if the reason (or at least one of the reasons)we aren't hearing Him is because the things we're praying for or the way we're going about prayer just don't line up with His way for our lives.

Are we being thankful in prayer? Do the prayers conform with what God would want for US in a life that would please HIM?

Don't know the answer? Well I was a little stuck too, then I grew silent, still...listened and remembered *with God's help :)) that the answers we seek are just a fingertip away. The Bible!

The Bible - or God's Word as some say, is the place to start.  Look at the Bible as a kind of spiritual food - each scripture filling you up with God's Love, Strength, Wisdom, and so much more. What a great Father we have -to make a covenant with His people (us), He helps us make this incredible journey from the Garden of Eden to Ur all the way to Bethlehem and so on. Reclaiming us from the sins of this world and sacrificing His one and only son in order to accomplish this...AMAZING!!

I know for a fact I've been quite selfish when it comes to prayer time. Now I'm not saying I'm asking for God to grant me three wishes or make me rich, I just realized that the way I was praying didn't line up with God's way of thinking. I mean... I prayed for people to get well, and I prayed for my family and friends, sometimes I thanked God for the day or making someone better. The thought never occurred to me that I hadn't consulted God about anything! Not once had I asked or prayed to Him - "Hey Father, what are your thoughts on this or that?" And then listened for His response. The reason that none of this had ever occurred to me before?

What I mean is, I still wanted to be in control. As human beings, we have a very hard time of giving up control and submitting completely and fully to something. Everything changed the minute I left control in God's hands, a great weight was lifted. From time to time, I admit I try to steer the car and every time it always gets me into trouble. Thankfully we have a Father who's Grace is given freely and loves us always  I'm not saying all my life is great, but I know with God's guidance and the support of others in my church, there's nothing "life" throws at me that I can't face!

Here are a few tips that may help you "listen" better for God's voice:

1) Receive a daily devotional in your email, via text message or Facebook or buy a daily devotional at your local Christian book store or Barnes and Nobles.

2) Find a quiet place in your home (inside/outside) that you can read daily from your Bible. Try to do this around the same time each day. This helps you to create a routine and gives you private time with God.
*I also recommend turning off your cellphone during this time, to be truly free from distractions

3) Buy a journal or small spiral notebook. Write down questions about things you read that you may need clarification on or you may have a question concerning events, language, or etc... ask someone about it later; maybe your Pastor or someone more knowledgeable at church. Use it to write your own prayers, concerns of the day, or favorite scriptures in.

*Find a Photobox or shoebox to store your Bible, notebook, pen or pencil, & bookmark in. Then you can store the box wherever your quiet place is and you can just pull them out when you need them.

4) Pray & give thanks to God!

I hope this was helpful. God Bless you all.

Sunday, February 2, 2014

Why I started this blog

God gives us grace freely. We don't have to earn it.

Took me a long time to figure that out.  But I'm a 'Work in progress' LOL

God loves us how we are. He also meets us where we are!

Forgives us for our sins...all we have to do is confess 
them to Him! 

Gave His only son to die on the cross to forgive our sins 'FOREVER' - - -♡♥

Introduction. .

Just a quick note about me. Live in Indiana, married, mom of two, Christian. My oldest son has Down Syndrome,  so I spend a large amount of time taking care of him.